Saturday, September 1, 2012

Why The Re-Write?

Sometimes an idea is handed to you, one that is just too good to pass up! That is what has happened with the Prologue to Findley's Lass.

A very dear author friend of mine, Emery Lee -- whose opinion I highly value -- made the suggestion that perhaps I should show how Findley and Maggy met. I didn't need to think twice about it. Don't worry, I've simply moved the original prologue and it is now happily taking the spot of Chapter One. ;o)

Not everyone reads prologues, but I do happen to be one of those that do! I think the prologue -- if it gives insight to the story you're about to read -- helps set the pace for the rest of the book. So it only made sense to re-write the prologue to Findley's Lass. And since it hasn't actually been released, I felt it was still my prerogative to change it. ;o)

You can read the prologue here, under the page titled "Findley's Lass". 


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