I want to wish you all a good day today. Alone or with loved ones, may you find peace, contentment and happiness this day.
Know that someone out here loves you. (ME!) Someone does consider you a blessing. (ME!) And someone is very glad to know you. (ME!)
Happy Easter,
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
I Am Humbled and Amazed
So I snuggled in with my Kindle tonight, settling in to read Holly Bush's new book. I thought I would check my stats before getting lost for a few hours. I rarely check my author rank, but I happened to do that tonight.
This is what I found:
This is what I found:
At first I thought my Kindle must be acting up, so I pulled out my phone. It said the same thing! Thinking it might be wrong, I pulled out my lap top. There it was. Again.
I can't quit crying -- happy tears of course. ;o) This is just beyond anything I could ever have imagined!
So I called my husband in...I had to explain to him who Diana Gabaldon and Courtney Milan were! He thought something was wrong because I could barely talk.
This is right up there with giving birth to my beautiful children, marrying Kevin, and the births of my perfect grandbabies. I am amazed. Stunned. Elated. Humbled.
I know that I have said this before, but it is true. I could not have done any of this without you, my beautiful, amazing, awesome, sweet readers! THANK YOU! My heart is swelling with love for you all right now. ;o)
I do not know if sleep will be easy tonight simply because this is so very exciting!
Thank you all,
Humbly yours,
Chapter One Rowan's Lady
This is still in rough draft form. My beautiful editor hasn't even had the chance to look at it yet. But I did want to give you a little peek! ;o)
The Highlands, Autumn
“Do ye love me?”
Lady Arline’s knees shook and her stomach clenched
tightly when she stared into the dangerously dark blue eyes that belonged to
her husband. She wasn’t at all certain if it was the question that gnawed, or the cold, stony glare his face held when
he asked it.
She swallowed hard, willed her legs to settle
and decided honesty was at all times the best policy.
“I am
sure I could learn to love you, m’laird.” She prayed she didn’t sound like a
Laird Blackburn of Ayrshire, was indeed a
very handsome man. Tall, lean, and well muscled, he stood at least four inches
taller than Lady Arline. He kept his straight blonde hair cut short. She
imagined most women would swoon if he chose to look upon them with those dark
blue eyes of his. And if the eyes didn’t do it, then perhaps the muscles that
rippled under his taught tunic certainly would.
Truth be told, Lady Arline nearly swooned
herself when she met him for the first time three days ago. They had been
introduced just moments before exchanging their wedding vows.
She had to admit to feeling a bit more than
just a twinge of excitement when she had first set eyes on him. He wasn’t at
all what she had expected. Not in appearance or manner. And she had been more
than thankful that he had not been old.
Their marriage had been arranged, as all her marriages had been. He was by
far the most handsome man she had ever been married to, and the youngest,
though he was still ten years her senior.
But there was something…. something she could
not quite yet put a name to, something in those blue eyes that held…what? A
secret? She was as yet uncertain and doubly nervous. Whatever it was, she found
it difficult to keep her knees from knocking together or her fingers from
trembling. She clasped her hands tightly in front of her and tried to at least appear as if she were not completely terrified.
Perhaps it was the anticipation of what lay
ahead, on this their first night in her new home. Her husband had yet to lay a hand
on her, save for the chaste kiss at the alter three days passed. He had barely
spoken to her during the journey from Lochbraene to Ayrshire.
She wondered, if by chance, he too, was just
as nervous as she.
It was doubtful. A man as handsome as Garrick
Blackburn must certainly have a significant amount of experience with women and
loving. Nay, it could not be nervousness she saw in the depths of those dark
eyes. It was something else.
Lady Arline reckoned that perhaps it was her
own widespread nervousness that made her mouth go dry and her legs weak. Undoubtedly
he would want to consummate their marriage and perhaps before doing so, he
wanted to know what her feelings toward him might be.
The thought of consummation nearly made her
legs give out.
It was early evening and they stood in Lady
Arline’s appointed chamber. She wore a heavy silk robe over her thick linen nightdress.
Her long, wavy auburn hair she left loose and unbound. She was as nervous as
she could ever remember feeling.
It was those cursed eyes of his that left her
with such a sense of discomfit.
She studied him more closely as he paced in
front of the tall window. He did not look pleased with her honest answer. He
raised an eyebrow ever so slightly when she gave her fretful answer. Mayhap,
she told herself, honesty would not be the best policy with this man.
After several long moments, Laird Blackburn
stopped pacing and turned his gaze back toward Lady Arline.
“Ya see, lass, therein lay the problem.”
There was no mistaking the disdain his face
held. It was quite evident in the tightening of his jaw and the hard, icy
glower he pinned her in place with.
“Ye see,” he said as he continued to pace, “I
want ye not to get any notions of fallin’ in love with me. Fer tis a certainty
that will never love ye.”
There was no mistaking the tone of his voice.
Controlled anger, contempt, and derision dripped from his mouth. There was no
mistaking that he meant exactly what he said.
Any hope that she may have had at someday
forging a bond with her new husband, one made of mutual admiration and respect,
fell as rapidly as a rock from a tall cliff. It plummeted to her toes with a
thud. Why am I so cursed when it comes to
“This marriage,” he told her as he turned
away and looked out the window. “’Tis but a farce.”
She forced herself to remain steady as she tried
to tamp down the welling fear.
ye aware of what was in the agreement?” He asked her, as he continued to look
not at her, but at something unseen outside the window. “Of what all it
Words were lodged in her throat, so she grunted
aye, she knew. She knew what her father
had agreed to, or at least she thought she did. Knowing her father as she did
however, he had probably left out very important details.
“Tell me, what you know.” His voice was low
and steady, commanding.
“I am to be your wife, in exchange for the
troth of three wagons of food and ten horses, as well as land.” Her mouth was
beyond just dry. Her tongue felt thick and swollen. What she wouldn’t give for
a tipple of whiskey at this moment.
“And?” he asked.
She felt her brow crease, swallowed hard and
willed herself to answer. “If I’ve no’ gotten with child or produced an heir
after one year, one month and a day, then we may annul the marriage.”
The arrangement was not unlike a traditional
handfasting. The difference however, was that they’d married in a church. It
would take an annulment from the church in order for them to go their separate
ways, if they so chose, at the end of the prescribed time period. Lady Arline
had not given much thought to that clause in the agreement when her father had
explained it. She hadn’t really cared at the time.
Lord Blackburn came to stand before her, just
a step away.
“Aye. One year, one month and one day.” He
crossed his arms over his broad chest. “And if there be no heir, the marriage
will be annulled.”
He continued to glare at her, with one
eyebrow arched as if he was waiting for clarity on her part. When Lady Arline
remained silent, he shook his head and snorted.
“There will be no heir,” he said coolly.
It was a statement of fact. A point that
would not be argued further or open for any discussion at a future time.
“I’ll not bed ye,” he said bluntly, looking
at her as if her found the mere thought of sharing a bed with her repulsive.
“I do
not love ye Arline. And I never, ever will.” He turned away from her again. “Do
ye understand?”
she thought to herself. I understand far
more than ye know. She took a deep breath and muttered her affirmation at
his back.
“I think ye need to understand more fully
what be at stake here.” He took a deep breath. “Ya see, I am capable of lovin’ a woman. Unlike yer last husband.”
Lady Arline’s stomach fell to her toes again.
Apparently, her current husband knew of her last.
“I simply will not, under any circumstance
love ye. Me heart, ye see, belongs to another,” he tossed his remark over his
Lady Arline felt not so much stunned as she
did numb. Her question passed through her lips before she could rein it in. “If
yer heart belongs to another, then why did ye agree to marry me?”
turned around slowly, the derision he felt toward her plainly written in the
hard lines of his face.
“Have ye met me father yet?”
Arline shook her head. “Nay, I haven’t.”
be no’ missin’ much. He’s a whoreson if ever there was one. He does no’ like
the woman who does own me heart. I
had to marry ye in order to get the
fool off me back.” Crossing his arms over his broad chest, the lines of his
face hardened further, deeper. “In a years time, this marriage will be annulled. Make no mistake of
lifted her chin showing him that she did not care. ’Twas in fact, the opposite
of what she truly felt. She did care.
for him precisely, but for all that could have been.
we will pretend then, m’laird, to be married for the next year, only to satisfy
the marriage agreement?” she asked him through gritted teeth.
the first time she saw him smile. The curve of his lips did nothing to make her
feel better.
not nearly as daft as I’ve been told,” he said. “I’m glad ya see it then, lass.
One year, one month and one day. The marriage will be annulled.”
wondered what her father would think of this and immediately decided that she
did not care. In a year’s time she would be of an age where she would no longer
be forced to marry any man. Ever.
Laird Blackburn did not want her, then so be it. She would play along with this
farce to gain the freedom she had been denied her entire life. She could travel
the world, come and go as she pleased and she’d never be forced to answer to
anyone but her own heart.
the thought of freedom brought a tingling sensation clear to her toes, her
heart felt empty. Void. And she felt severely lacking.
was enough to break a weaker woman’s heart. But Lady Arline refused to be weak.
There wasn’t a man in all this world worthy of her heart, let alone one worthy
of breaking it.
turned to face her again. “I’ll no hear any complainin’ from ye. Ye’ll do as I
say, when I say it. Ye’ll stay in yer room unless I give ye permission to
leave,” he began listing his rules, ticking them off one by one. “Do no’ ever
question me or any decision I make fer ye’ll suffer fer it, that I promise.”
came to stand before her again. This time, he lowered his face only inches from
hers. It took every ounce of courage she had to look him in the eye.
Arline, ye will heed me warnin’. Ye do as I say, and ye may just get out of
this marriage alive.”
quit her chamber then, without so much as a by your leave. His warning hung the
air, long after he left, like damp, heavy fog. Though a fire burned in the
fireplace, the air still felt chilled, cold, filled with his pervasive warning.
finally occurred to her just what lay hidden behind those dark eyes her husband
possessed: sheer unadulterated hatred and all of it reserved for her.
With her arms and hands still trembling, she walked to her closet, found the trunk
that held her writing materials, her embroidery, and art supplies. On shaking
knees, she rummaged through until she found a piece of charcoal she used for
she closed the lid and scooted across the wood floor to the back of the closet.
She drew a short line on the wall. One
day down. With a heavy sense of
dread, she slid the trunk across the floor to hide the mark that had begun her
countdown to freedom.
in steady breaths to try to calm her nerves, she left the closet and climbed into
her bed, drawing the covers up to her chin.
before speaking with her husband, she had been worried over things that now seemed
mundane by comparison. Less than an hour ago, she had been nervously pacing her
room, hopeful that she would be able to please her husband and build a future
with him.
cursed under her breath; angry with her heart for allowing even a glimmer of
hope at the life she so desperately wanted. A husband who would care about her
feelings, a husband she could admire and respect. She wanted children. Lots of
children. Arline longed for a home filled with love, laugher, bairns…peace.
would survive the next year. She would not
let Laird Blackburn of Ayrshire win.
I look forward to hearing what you think. ;o)
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Rowan's Lady...the beginning
Good morning lovely readers! I hope the sun is shining for you today! I am so ready for spring, aren't you?
As you know, I'll be releasing Rowan's Lady sometime this fall. Sooner, of course, if the voices don't leave me. ;o)
I want to let you know that Rowan's Lady is going to be the start of a new series, the Clan Graham Series. Don't panic! We will be seeing some of your favorites from Clan MacDougall in Rowan's story. I might even go back at some point and write more stories from our favorite characters from Clan MacDougall.
If you remember the meeting of the seven clans from Wee William's Woman, what I am doing will make perfectly good sense. ;o) At least it makes sense in my head, lol, which is rather frightening. Usually, I live in a perpetual state of confusion. ;o)
I am planning on writing series for each of the clans present at that meeting. The seven clans are: The MacDougalls (of course!) then we have McKee, McDunnah, Lindsay, Randolph, Carruthers, and Graham.
I would like to write at least one book for each of these clans. I know that I will have at least two for Clan Graham -- Rowan's Lady & Frederick's Queen. I also have Caelen's Love planned for the McDunnah Clan Series.
There are so many great stories that I want to write for our heroes. Black Richard will have a story, but I'm not sure if it will be tucked under Clan MacDougall or somewhere else. I'd also like to write about Nial and Bree.
If I wrote 3 stories for each clan, that would make 21 books! lol I'm not saying I will write 21, but wouldn't that be fun?
I love hearing from my readers. You all brighten my day and make me want to write more and more. ;o) Thank you all so very much. You don't know it, but you do inspire me.
As you know, I'll be releasing Rowan's Lady sometime this fall. Sooner, of course, if the voices don't leave me. ;o)
I want to let you know that Rowan's Lady is going to be the start of a new series, the Clan Graham Series. Don't panic! We will be seeing some of your favorites from Clan MacDougall in Rowan's story. I might even go back at some point and write more stories from our favorite characters from Clan MacDougall.
If you remember the meeting of the seven clans from Wee William's Woman, what I am doing will make perfectly good sense. ;o) At least it makes sense in my head, lol, which is rather frightening. Usually, I live in a perpetual state of confusion. ;o)
I am planning on writing series for each of the clans present at that meeting. The seven clans are: The MacDougalls (of course!) then we have McKee, McDunnah, Lindsay, Randolph, Carruthers, and Graham.
I would like to write at least one book for each of these clans. I know that I will have at least two for Clan Graham -- Rowan's Lady & Frederick's Queen. I also have Caelen's Love planned for the McDunnah Clan Series.
There are so many great stories that I want to write for our heroes. Black Richard will have a story, but I'm not sure if it will be tucked under Clan MacDougall or somewhere else. I'd also like to write about Nial and Bree.
If I wrote 3 stories for each clan, that would make 21 books! lol I'm not saying I will write 21, but wouldn't that be fun?
I love hearing from my readers. You all brighten my day and make me want to write more and more. ;o) Thank you all so very much. You don't know it, but you do inspire me.
Monday, March 25, 2013
My Sincerest Apologies!
I just discovered that several "anonymous" commentators have left really, REALLY nasty posts here at my blog.
I had tried to make it easier for people to post comments and removed the security process where you have to answer a question or do a math problem. I know that when I visit a blog and want to leave a comment, I do not like having to go through FBI Security stuff in order to do it!
I now know why we have to use those silly security questions. To avoid the embarrassment of having filth scattered through our blogs.
I sincerely apologize to any of my sweet readers who may have read those comments. Please believe me when I say I did not condone such nonsense. I am by no means a prude, but seriously, this was pornographic junk. Ugh.
Unfortunately, I will have to go back to having that silly security question in order for you to leave a comment. I don't like it, but apparently, it is the only way to keep that kind of nonsense off my site.
Again, I am sorry and I thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.
Have a beautiful day!
I had tried to make it easier for people to post comments and removed the security process where you have to answer a question or do a math problem. I know that when I visit a blog and want to leave a comment, I do not like having to go through FBI Security stuff in order to do it!
I now know why we have to use those silly security questions. To avoid the embarrassment of having filth scattered through our blogs.
I sincerely apologize to any of my sweet readers who may have read those comments. Please believe me when I say I did not condone such nonsense. I am by no means a prude, but seriously, this was pornographic junk. Ugh.
Unfortunately, I will have to go back to having that silly security question in order for you to leave a comment. I don't like it, but apparently, it is the only way to keep that kind of nonsense off my site.
Again, I am sorry and I thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.
Have a beautiful day!
Question of the Day
Good morning beautiful readers!
I am curious to know how many of you belong to book clubs. The kind where you get together once a month and discuss books you are reading. I'm trying to find one close to home, but so far, no luck. So I might just start my own. ;o)
If you do belong to one of these, what is it you like best about your club? How often do you meet? Is there a specific genre you like? How many people are in your book club? Your help is very much appreciated!
I am curious to know how many of you belong to book clubs. The kind where you get together once a month and discuss books you are reading. I'm trying to find one close to home, but so far, no luck. So I might just start my own. ;o)
If you do belong to one of these, what is it you like best about your club? How often do you meet? Is there a specific genre you like? How many people are in your book club? Your help is very much appreciated!
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Hunky Guy In a Kilt Contest!
In honor of the arrival of Spring and our love of men
in kilts, I am proud to announce our first
Hunky Guy in a Kilt Contest
Send me a picture of
yourself, your husband, or your favorite hunk via private message at my
Facebook page or via email.
I will post the pictures of
the hunks at my Facebook page the last two weeks of each month. Voters will get
to decide who their favorite hunk is. The winner (determined by most votes) will be declared my
Hunky Guy of The Month!
His picture will
be proudly displayed on my website and blog.
In addition to being declared
our Hunky Guy of The Month, the
winner will receive an autographed copy of one of my books, along with other goodies, and a place in our Hunky Guy Hall of Fame
Here are the Rules:
Please keep it as clean as possible.
While we can all
agree that Gerard looks beautiful in
a kilt,
we want pictures of your men!
Do not post your
picture directly to my page.
Instead, send me a private message at Facebook
or via email along with the picture
I will accept photos at any time, but
voting will take
place the last two weeks of each month.
The winner will be the one with the most
We will run a new contest every month
Remember…it’s only a skirt if you’re wearing underwear!
Hot Guy in a Kilt Contest!
Hello lovely readers!
In honor of the arrival of
Spring and our love of men in kilts, I am proud to announce our first
Hot Guy in a Kilt

I will post the pictures of
the hunks at my Facebook page the last two weeks of each month. Voters will get
to decide who their favorite hunk is. The winner will be declared my Hunky Guy of The Month! His picture will
be proudly displayed on my website and blog.
In addition to being declared
our Hunky Guy of The Month, the
winner will receive an autographed copy of Wee William’s Woman along with some
other ‘swag’ and a place in our Hunky Guy Hall of Fame
Here are the Rules:
Please keep it
as clean as possible.
Photos! While we can all agree that Gerard looks beautiful in a kilt, we want pictures of your men! ;o)
Do not post your picture directly to my
I will accept photos at any time, but voting
will take place the last two weeks of each month.
The winner will
be the one with the most votes.
We will run a
new contest every month ;o)
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